
UPDATED – Best Practices for Veeam Backup & Replication Version 9

Recently, I switched our e-book to presenting the version90 branch of the documentation. Dive right in over on bp.veeam.expert.


The release of this updated e-book was already long overdue, but in the process, we had to make some quite significant changes to our workflow.

When we developed the guide for version 8, it was a nightmare of merging Word documents and using the native change tracking for reviews. At scale, I can testify that this is probably the worst possible collaboration platform. It also limits the ability to quickly implement changes and bugfixes, and as a result the static PDF files hosted in a centrally managed content library quickly become obsolete.

After the release of Best Practices for version 8, I took the final .docx file and ran it through pandoc to convert it to Markdown. Without much QA or reformatting, I uploaded it to GitBook and started exploring how we could use the platform for developing the next version. Surprisingly, the poorly formatted e-book still got around 1,000 unique monthly visits.

Word Review Agony

Switching to GitBook, and seeing the user created discussions and amount of feedback from customers, in-house developers, the Vanguards and support engineers has been very overwhelming. It proves how nobody is smarter than everyone else, and the need for using a highly dynamic platform built for collaboration.

According to our statistics on GitBook, we have had more than 10,000 unique visitors and over 2,000 PDF downloads since the launch two weeks ago.

Thanks to everyone who consumes the content. We will continue to update content, so if you are one of those PDF consumers, update it often.

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